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F0ҠK罒2I }#1}KY/(kT]PqѸ>M^5+c5耺zHH?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> 1)(    64,v P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0]   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0t]    LTransportation Tuesday   0] `   ?*  c AO:\HES\FBM\PII\2001\B-SAFETY & HEALTH\TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY\small Hands2.jpg0 f  N޽h ? ̙33 06(  l  C ]`P`p    C T] ` <$  0    6]  PP ,$D  0 PYou cannot control what other people do in your life & you can only control how you react AVOIDING ROAD RAGE TAKES SELF CONTROL2[&H  0޽h ? ̙33 f^D(  D D S $+bp@ <$D 0 v  {r D S "bp v 9 D 0$"b p ,$D   0 3Impatience ... - waiting for passengers to get in - at stop lights - waiting in lines (car wash, bank, roundabout) - waiting for parking space - as passenger, impatient with driver - when the vehicle ahead slows down - if behind schedule on a trip - driving in slow lane - with pedestrians crossing streetD4(# { D 0!b  ,$D  0 \Competition ... - with yourself - with other drivers - with other cars in traffic jams - with drivers who challenge you - to amuse yourself when bored - challenging other drivers - racing other drivers - drag racing at stop lightsB {S D 0D&b  @,$D   0 ?Punishment ... - Do you "punish" bad drivers? - Complain to passengers about other drivers? - Curse / make obscene gestures at other drivers? - Block cars trying to pass? - Block cars trying to change lanes? - Ride another car's tail? - Brake suddenly to punish tailgater? - Use high beams to punish bad driver? R@(. {H D 0޽h ? ̙331  P4q( g,o, 4 4 C 4]` 0<$ 0 v l 4 C ] 0 v B 4 0d!b  0 ,$D  0 |Be courteous. The next time someone lets you cut in front of them ... lift your hand in a sign of thanks! We ve all let someone cut in front of us when we really did not have to, and not getting thanks just ticked us off. So learn from your experience. And be a bit kinder when someone needs to cut in front of you.?? 4 0D)b  0 ,$D  0 When you are feeling out of touch with your anger while driving - take a deep breath and try to think of something better. Amuse yourself by turning on the radio instead of venting your anger. B 4 0%b  00,$D  0 tChange your attitude towards other drivers mistakes. They probably don t mean to cause harm, threaten, or endanger others. They re probably inattentive, forgetful or extremely fatigued.H 4 0޽h ? ̙33 7/@ (( % (  ( C ]p0P<$ 0   {l  ( C t]p  ~  ( 0T] 0 ,$D  0 |(2) A person is tailgating you. Do you: a - as soon as it is safe, signal and pull into another lane b - continue on because you are going the speed limit c - stick your hand out the window and give them a signal d - slow down even more and make it impossible for the idiot to get into another lane e - slow down, then speed up, then slow down again and slam on the brakes. @}((Q {  ( 0]  0,$D  0 O(3) When you are in your car how often are you ranting and raving: a - almost never b - occasionally c - most of the time d - 99% of the time e - 100% of the time in the car and 50% of the time outside of the car F(C33 {H ( 0޽h ? ̙33    @K (  @ @ S t]p <$ 0   {r @ S bp  6 @ 0D b p @,$D   0 4(5) I find driving to be: a - fun and relaxing b - relaxing when I'm alone on the road, but nerve wracking in city traffic c - challenging but dangerous d - a good place where I can really let loose and express myself e - a place where I show the rest of the world what a bunch of incompetents they are @5( { @ 0 b     ,$D 0 uGive yourself the following points : "a" : 0 points "b" : 1 points "c" : 2 points "d" : 3 points "e" : 5 pointsP&(P($O  {n @ 0(b @ `,$D  0 0-3 points : Well done. If everyone drove like you there would be no problems. 4-10 points : Pretty good. You have good and bad days on the road. Perhaps some mild road rage. 11-15 points : You can be seen by others as scary at times. Watch yourself. 16-20 points : You are dangerous. Reconsider the way you act as a driver. 21-25 points : We don t want to know if anyone scored this many. O`3KfIPP@ { @ 6A ?p` p 8 $D  0H @ 0޽h ? ̙33    ( {    LWG!?To err is human; to forgive, divineImpactp@ ,$D 0  *WG!?let the road rage goImpact p0,$D 0H  0޽h ? ̙33x]s#IVavcY,%eIj%,[i 3𱰳 f{# ܸA7D 2Tdݚ~gKRU},~?KbWWbݱ̴#]h~띗u$wГ?dף;q<~Oo_F;/|;>A%a|*ߡl_~ :⧶~] +v^З0~my5ӶO>O?G?+>я?w?f/͂WnKoh&)ۃ`6h/ŀ? p(İp!/?r0!~3qI{F#rov{4ѥ]7>G^*wAzeӤeƯq] Id݀Ԭ?b II݄n_3BRKH+gm$to8hff.oQdjINHJIJ*Lܨ\z5豱HT3dDG]q+S &(5+,M6L/SORWHߌ8*ʟݴML\ԒT4H&SVMIJ{tzIPLD_st /}&yr#Yw^LJ9j>rhr"BeC,deh"{*zف9ibb7 & !ApSwBn)RVGuÎ̕$@CT#`^O%k{ B&4p0s͘‘V^v rXYXD kOoP<_z DcnZl Ns`EDK$)Qa}\R .-µkL<4{psF^&0hY 7W*siPٍ"iq(c"ށ-!Xb1sLRSr&CX8ĝB3./{X5vjZEV .HhU8-@i猍Ef)*u #씤WXM L XڱbK+$VIqWF}#1UuRNe K1ku5Jy%I`6tLP׍*iR_5l8|/];]dȀr oZ蹅-u2>ek1ll\?%ܜKkMp@~8y{5E9Ѹt>Mb 5L@w3KKᠣiqs΂FB!~Qjyc:wxяڝQquI۹\\1 e)4]BgEӱ2~5qWl59px/e ǫ#ݼ־k$6%0־L6]8+ 1:ʞeHPՂGނ'E8m,\O"aQ, ]SssZqmTKzMG\H$.ymQqL .e0.AZ a(HKgP~_)-y0.>phL Ou"\LMpL}aYxTl\,{gG,esϓRRhf& cM½[qT&qy?m'fi%[n7vb iSKH_&h|!9b>m՗ˆ¢;u⸜BP弅9Zy lPAY=lDb\GYaū -EE4ыKٴbIEyh@ n*k: ̌,L,UϬE=RH^|Cg<}:VԄ_%-T/})!^*t _qttD{owm\̎)x%I*fmc!qSA#&r+50Jk)2=%̲M]+,z0fw(g'JVAߏQ[57cs&Tx/2l% 6K 3~h;I_}QpDz*a\hl"%]Pes>SdK\(/jZN}BJFSCR29v{f}-yHR+xxA"Tқβ (CzIeA#7ƅFw)qFdc򭴐y,;)9NO4@P_{9u"t@zI26 lL'G9+Fp奭0 zr#{Pa%q[yYsfj<[1Q;Y4QJ+Dkd\:ZmHQ4)r.ltZoؾ&qIಫUbYMR邼-Z5f%Cq+!0byA:WXDKOb]y*4xe\KB:ìR5oZ [X^*'0W^ЩQba8Պ)^AFr@aE1!'$ VyN^&Ieɢǃ[gveoZT$*Нq)\oUʭP^͒I\=փNX 6xWӸ*}V0.8:#/6!,iKJoNdfqTQMrqcV)2jr>G\h}"pQTI <+ u&U8sf y+Ey5Qh ""5pog#pJ~eGD:,Յ Ӹa<^xŗѠlhk,ϡ"(;'Aˀ=جEW#5vd`9bSpiC W?#&(DP 4yGc]-?׈B>"Ūvzȋ+k` ue*KOM%+ܣfnI\ե\6~[[EzXA7<g̎p0Qj<s1ra\JѬX2#1ZkA.I*n"HYA\)/Xx}xj^rK~IbLJC8-4"MJ:r U(ICL(!n#JFP#I'GM|dgJCHك))fThKaDT\>u6EZG_hE5%;cY|jփ j__ܰܔΆ>(F0\ҕȕWBvHLqY0h]Woٛ JBbS"$`w[ry2)+{'/啚kX^*&sQ%v[]n;g,IAF)6e..u1xHZ/_AoŻuS{PTzc[/C9`IqlX' 5="Lϓ,9R=L=_HT?`n!.;eyi>\KWnd+ ;ݴV^ ݽ":?yWgfcV`UYgӭMݼF`lxB<>?>px23EB8S~.plrpTtli1pmyl:OIs犿h xON sS^P2L: tS63 nN.F8jq_nlP4IZ;ILBB wrSB UeP y3pe/l|rRA\%RZ&Tb1cKFXEbt%}U<`q2"" t%o[Zi2|Vь o(ޮIڐE7`tB1Z@ٳ)H-Jו3&6oE7Vg}7Yt1Q1A[/gYbsm{Enū^OnύBZQnLY`W"=w+p/}{3h:튻<znhy=E{j{MMOߡgܱABc*:?'%~2T+ oHɳ&ΧW_xwf[̓?y~ЄNc'?A=gB'KϡOz0ϢȉǏKO9CqIOgS\?yB#)ǍK{)q#a=)^ЗϜ5>ハAD-s>2KOߓy?+~G{M} Qj^g1> /fb {{샛7i!2`b<yC,!8hmqVA=19G8n8C:VD<Y/³/9%#>_m-mk-pjZkƹmڲ-+ƹm]kgqӶMےۺsnY .l߽&[to]n:>eBkhSY.ZP9'v юQ6t2{̇IS*Y^Z1DjdJ4EPF[ZOf/C'e Uf/^eڛ\j/yɽ l gH=FYCφzԳd'lCgQ<;TY2zH#g=[@<CY7TdeD=#n.N »5Y~-8 2rl-;!j۸0wcvO 2aM!z{FՂhwpo ρэ Es=)p'hI,tc=\DZi2:Y yBBj2ζ$nvb){CfGJM6%\rQ.V?vv1 @SalWw$7*,*!?@ABCDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmns CALM YOURSELF AND OTHERSROAD RAGE QUIZROAD RAGE QUIZNo Slide Title  Fonts UsedDesign TemplateEmbedded OLE Servers Slide Titles 6> _PID_GUIDAN{409AAFE7-CC5A-11D5-B263-00508B754272}_㥎joejoe*_`bAdrienne Fullerton  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnRoot EntrydO)1v`PicturesQ'Current User2SummaryInformation(ERPowerPoint Document(ɎDocumentSummaryInformation8tosoft Photo Editor 3.0 PhotoL/ 0DTimes New Romanbb(b0LbLb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0"  @n?" dd@  @@`` H%     /Xb$W1<@|bXSzR$ 44SJ_pSz Z5% PPf333f@g4IdIdXb~0Pb8 ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? %y TRANSPORTATION TUESDAYxYour boss shouted at you. Your son misbehaved at school. Your dog made a mess in the kitchen. You re already 3 minutes late and the traffic is a nightmare. Your life is out of control. ROAD RAGE TRIGGERSAnger & - at fast drivers - at slow drivers - when cut off - at broken traffic lights - at traffic jams - when others tell you to calm down - at tailgaters - at your passengers - when multilane highway narrows P( CALM YOURSELF AND OTHERSWhen the driver next to you yells or makes a finger gesture towards you, think about road rage triggers - he/she must really be having a bad day...and the good thing is that you are not. ROAD RAGE QUIZ(1) You are driving in the fast lane and the person in front of you is driving the speed limit. Do you: a - slow down because you realize you are speeding b - slow down, turn on your signals and move into the other lane, and eventually move back into the fast lane c - tailgate the idiot d - turn on your high beams, honk your horn and tailgate e - zip into the slow lane; pass on the inside and then slow down in front of themB(iG ROAD RAGE QUIZ(4) My driving skills are: a - good b - great c - better than most on the road d - superior e - I am the best ; no one comes close to my skill B(w  x]w#U$"JrI$֓%,[ $0a G ` 0p;В/has[aň߽UiV5}WU{%1E%Ug,3qh4 ?|beH2ޓ̿ ~*5ீUp¨Hp ,.8 ΀w8 ΁pp e!k#1np]_`~K_ுk௃uow~>[o ϓ#lBoO߈u(-^lӟ%R<7k_D#!&ߋY{R \%}k_ /Vc-\М\_wϭByA_,g4׌O>w>G?z4'q~O~yˁ&-4AWM4Zzm~= [1`8 1l1~4_WB\ WCq5+>Wgt5"6jGh8]^1= FnN׹ӕ+&-/6~¥UH2%O]7fXHJN6tZwE[9k+$9uLtH|A34vy"SKzwBR2NJU3T!d2F AMF☠J՟E&#:;Zh1AY0fiRtwadz},NGfQVtVnfťA6)R.h—LR5ӤO KMJb""@=֐sPx+6)ȫPO¸bdR2&&P!]C ,,Eg!+SOGS/֓ MI#1a 臨 S?p#%O:2vdd7(uK{"ž9zwAaL1`rMu|˹#*i\I{6"6nv$*#Z@C$L84v13K`Js.m*c[$-elXq;Ptރ%kTl`9=t)Rjj^Τu SZ}%Gʗ-%yZԂnz=V.CfJ*҃=ד|NvsGjZjk{|:-2ʇMr8E?^Qn^N;q:YFS),x Y6j" #,? i7GA1(j$Pd9(ֱr5PhR.JnB:)h:Šx2FѼ"]c @K$~SdIsU'"ޣEwOنn+:CWƃ"6N,)!eiU ¤tn.kPvJʾ__ۤN*I Wާ@An[+|=d2L&8X{:! 6cX sw+Z0WW7q4SpJgh|yE[Xߩ"vMlp^-.]CBim`Z@d rclζCŹ ;3dƘ S25=:ATR„XcόHQyyh֞2S*jjpFBːQmjE%L08gl$./60映L!WSa$Ž&l0i` tjǎ-eXuOO'%]W%K9!c$S.5P9(+偗t&81B^7PAK^j,jqN*^v ")?J$F-Us [d\A}bEپ¹$~J93 z=0p:jrq鄁9q}@ k2JPgLAG5234p'B(<Ɯu8;7 sq c^:ShΊcse<YD2ڨΧ&L?^fyhwTMDF}y"k"`+Z'Bks$uA-d \E6KMqh@F3 ;(5R6!DL`$bC@[ )~"dP$ŮF*Ut2: qUO 3b\jxؐ%7@(, |KEFkiNlF!R(v;8>.!?M^s'p#uc.[gL̂?8,F=8lzOͮ"P.:xqگ \uhr<=!'̂mKe cbFdQ]%wbVUރx-ËF`/5?ŝ0e踺]&ڂ5$z,N)0C^QHF2&RG₭005 ,yR©>$.ymQqL .d0.AZ a(HKgP~_)-y0.>phL Ou"\MMpL}aYxTl\,gG,esϓRRhf& cLƽ[qT&qy?m'fi%[KK7b1AΎR)%$/O4>TxڐpqݜU1CKauva:q\C!r-TNR]W52cJ:^IbYX~s6yЈk'up-y lLO ,FӾsÐϢˏmʌ6n ts=o#אس,Ew-^zr{nҊr{Pdrz]k5}AwOWG+\A~GO>uOG7M>} s^ҾWq٤w?/J_JWw{_7tŸ-Ŀ|m} Q۾coȳOBei[1ކǀ=MېW[1<{!{68Cv+y砞#7~xx!y+v+ zY^v@t /ZŶՖUmoȶemoֵ3۸i[צmZm] kuum֬{^-7h {M\'lVhmm:KE jou=N@a51jU҆NcϜZI1RkՎKӛAj/ AO[HV/DSjEh5d2{RfP]e;Yfkɥ_Y bzԳk5$l(gyI={MYy6z̳C*l^g)}=|Vسk#1Tux8MoOVFt3t/)~ {K([GЂC+_+P3q?S+n_u $|C0j}1fĠ,RhX-h[v&ZD:C[{F$"@N7V3nynuH!'9gsr;Df>еzÂr&,57kξGF`$U7/t.C,,Pu{}-HKx6uLCr ؈^XoG"j9$/I. 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