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% TRANSPORTATION TUESDAYZROUNDABOUTS THERE S NOTHING MAGIC ABOUT THEM". 0#( ROUNDABOUTS MADE SIMPLE$Roundabouts are clever traffic control devices that keep traffic moving smoothly - as long as the drivers know how to use them.(  ^SIGNALING let everyone know what you re doing *0 #  WATCH OUT FOR ...(Pedestrians & they may be crossing the approach and exit roads Newspaper sellers running between cars Traffic crossing in front of you, especially vehicles intending to leave at the next exit Traffic in the wrong position - look for their indicators - give them a break Motorcyclists and bicyclists who may be unsure of the exit procedure - give them space Long vehicles - they might take a different lane when approaching to allow for their trailers & watch their signals & don t cut them up(  DON T FORGET (Once you re on the roundabout & keep moving If you queued to get onto the roundabout & make sure the car in front has moved away before you start to move If you miss your exit & continue around until you come to it again(  ZROUNDABOUTS & CHILD S PLAY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW>((rVUe r( / 0DTimes New Romanbb$b0HbHb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb$b0HbHb~0" DSymbolet MSanbb$b0HbHb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` x4'    ?R$Y4$yzR$ 44SJ_pzR$ll6ѵ3thL zS ~o0 @g4IdIdTb~0Lb8 ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? % TRANSPORTATION TUESDAYZROUNDABOUTS THERE S NOTHING MAGIC ABOUT THEM". 0#( ROUNDABOUTS MADE SIMPLE$Roundabouts are clever traffic control devices that keep traffic moving smoothly - as long as the drivers know how to use them.(  ^SIGNALING let everyone know what you re doing *0 #  WATCH OUT FOR ...(Pedestrians & they may be crossing the approach and exit roads Newspaper sellers running between cars Traffic crossing in front of you, especially vehicles intending to leave at the next exit Traffic in the wrong position - look for their indicators - give them a break Motorcyclists and bicyclists who may be unsure of the exit procedure - give them space Long vehicles - they might take a different lane when approaching to allow for their trailers & watch their signals & don t cut them up(  DON T FORGET (Once you re on the roundabout & keep moving If you queued to get onto the roundabout & make sure the car in front has moved away before you start to move If you miss your exit & continue around until you come to it again(  ZROUNDABOUTS & CHILD S PLAY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW>((Z  P 0 ( A 0r 0 S dvP0   0 C AO:\HES\FBM\PII\2001\B-SAFETY & HEALTH\TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY\roundabout 2.jpg0   0 0T@^,$D  0 4If taking the first exit & Root EntrydO)pMPictures2Current User)SummaryInformation(8R  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567u9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`acdefghijklmnopqtvwxyz{|~PowerPoint Document(TDocumentSummaryInformation8Pb(b0LbLb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` x4'    ?R$Y4$yzR$ 44SJ_pzR$ll6ѵ3thL zS ~o0 @g4IdIdXb~0Pb8 ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? % TRANSPORTATION TUESDAYZROUNDABOUTS THERE S NOTHING MAGIC ABOUT THEM". 0#( ROUNDABOUTS MADE SIMPLE$Roundabouts are clever traffic control devices that keep traffic moving smoothly - as long as the drivers know how to use them.(  ^SIGNALING let everyone know what you re doing *0 #  WATCH OUT FOR ...(Pedestrians & they may be crossing the approach and exit roads Newspaper sellers running between cars Traffic crossing in front of you, especially vehicles intending to leave at the next exit Traffic in the wrong position - look for their indicators - give them a break Motorcyclists and bicyclists who may be unsure of the exit procedure - give them space Long vehicles - they might take a different lane when approaching to allow for their trailers & watch their signals & don t cut them up(  DON T FORGET (Once you re on the roundabout & keep moving If you queued to get onto the roundabout & make sure the car in front has moved away before you start to move If you miss your exit & continue around until you come to it again(  ZROUNDABOUTS & CHILD S PLAY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW>(( @(.( % (r ( S vP p   ( S v@`@<$  0   b ( 0 x p ,$  0 *Approaching a roundabout & take notice and act on the information you are given - look for direction signs, traffic lights, lane markings, stop signs.( | ( 0  ,$  0 2Arriving at a roundabout & slow down - roundabouts are designed for speeds of 15-20 mph (25-30 kph) decide what exit you will need and get in the right lane pay attention to the other traffic speed and direction give way or stop - priority goes to traffic already on the roundabout(  @3 *6_ ( 0  ,$ 0 n Always give priority to the left"!( !H ( 0޽h ? ̙33x (   ( {  r  S Dv    NWG!?DON'T TURN THEM INTO MERRY-GO-ROUNDSImpact@`0,$D  0H  0޽h ? ̙33r:NS XJ:U r( / 0DTimes New Romanbb(b0LbLb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0" DSymbolet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` x ՜.+,D՜.+,t    $ On-screen ShowHalliburton Shared ServicesT+1  Times New Roman Trebuchet MSSymbolDefault DesignTRANSPORTATION TUESDAYROUNDABOUTS MADE SIMPLE0SIGNALING let everyone know what youre doing WATCH OUT FOR ... DONT FORGETNo Slide Title  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles 6> _PID_GUIDAN{95D998E2-9AC8-11D5-B263-00508B754272}_0joejoe.{, 0 0@,$D  0 @If taking an intermediate exit & .! {B 0 HDo? ,$D 0B 0@ <Do@ @,$D  0  0 B4? ? P@C,$D  0 <When taking the last exit, or going full circle & signal left and approach in the left hand lane keep to the left and keep signaling when you pass the exit before yours, move into position to exit signal right and leave the roundabout :21{G  0 0@ ,$D  0 ksignal right and approach in the right hand lane keep to the right and keep signaling until you have turnedll{N  0 0` ,$D  0 rdo not signal at first be in the right or middle lane when your exit is next, signal right and move into positionss{  0 0Ė `0 p,$D  0 W MANOEUVRE"   0 0d `P ,$D  0 VSIGNAL "   0 0d `@,$D 0 TMIRROR"  H 0 0޽h ? ̙33re :ue n( / 0DTimes New Romanbb(b0LbLb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0" DSymbolet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` x4'    ?R$Y4$yzR$ 44SJ_pzR$ll6ѵ3thL zS ~o0 @g4IdIdXb~0Pb8 ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? % TRANSPORTATION TUESDAYZROUNDABOUTS THERE S NOTHING MAGIC ABOUT THEM". 0#( ROUNDABOUTS MADE SIMPLE${Roundabouts are clever traffic control devices that keep traffic moving smoothly - as long as drivers know how to use them.|( | ^SIGNALING let everyone know what you re doing *0 #  WATCH OUT FOR ...(Pedestrians & they may be crossing the approach and exit roads Newspaper sellers running between cars Traffic crossing in front of you, especially vehicles intending to leave at the next exit Traffic in the wrong position - look for their indicators - give them a break Motorcyclists and bicyclists who may be unsure of the exit procedure - give them space Long vehicles - they might take a different lane when approaching to allow for their trailers & watch their signals & don t cut them up(  DON T FORGET (Once you re on the roundabout & keep moving If you queued to get onto the roundabout & make sure the car in front has moved away before you start to move If you miss your exit & continue around until you come to it again(  ZROUNDABOUTS & CHILD S PLAY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW>((r؃N ( / 0DTimes New Romanbb(b0LbLb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0" DSymbolet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` x4'    ?R$Y4$yzR$ 44SJ_pzR$ll6ѵ3thL zS ~o0 @g4IdIdXb~0Pb8 ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? % TRANSPORTATION TUESDAYZROUNDABOUTS THERE S NOTHING MAGIC ABOUT THEM". 0#( ROUNDABOUTS MADE SIMPLE${Roundabouts are clever traffic control devices that keep traffic moving smoothly - as long as drivers know how to use them.|( | ^SIGNALING let everyone know what you re doing *0 #  WATCH OUT FOR ...(Pedestrians & they may be crossing the approach and exit roads Newspaper sellers running between cars Traffic crossing in front of you, especially vehicles intending to leave at the next exit Traffic in the wrong position (look at their indicators) give them a break & we ve all done it Motorcyclists and bicyclists who may be unsure of the exit procedure - give them space Long vehicles - they might take a different lane when approaching to allow for their trailers & watch their signals & don t cut them up(  DON T FORGET (Once you re on the roundabout & keep moving If you queued to get onto the roundabout & make sure the car in front has moved away before you start to move If you miss your exit & continue around until you come to it again(  ZROUNDABOUTS & CHILD S PLAY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW>((* `$j( lz((rd