60 – Caught Between

20 February 2015

Crane Safety

Crane Safety Be sure that all tools, oil cans, grease guns and rags are stored in a tool box and all of clothing (such as a
20 February 2015

Crane Equipment Safety

Crane Equipment Safety Many crane accidents occur because the crane was used to lift more than its rated capacity.  Crane accidents are generally serious and always
20 February 2015

Catheads and Catlines

Catheads and Catlines To improve safety on drilling rigs, manual catheads with catlines are being replaced with hydraulic and air type winches, but manual catheads with
20 February 2015

Casing Running Precautions

Casing Running Precautions Running casing can be a hazardous operation for a number of reasons. First, there most likely will be workers present who are not
19 February 2015

Machine Guarding

Machine Guarding Guarding of moving parts of machines and equipment is important to the safety of oilfield workers.  A Hazard Assessment of the equipment on a
19 February 2015

Why Have Safety Meetings?

Why Have Safety Meetings? Records indicate that drillers who regularly hold crew safety meetings have fewer accidents, less drilling trouble and do a better over-all job
19 February 2015

Who’s Responsible?

Who’s Responsible? When an accident happens, the blame is usually placed on someone or some thing.  Many times the cause of the accident is never really
19 February 2015

Which Is It?

Which Is It? “LOST-TIME ACCIDENT” or “DISABLING INJURY” “NO-LOST-TIME ACCIDENT” or “MINOR INJURY” For many years, we have used the term “Lost-Time Accidents” to refer to
19 February 2015

A Supervisor’s Responsibility in Accident Prevention

A Supervisor’s Responsibility in Accident Prevention The success of any safety program is affected directly by the extent to which the supervisor actively participates.  For example,