23 – Personal Protective Equipment

23 February 2015

A Good Way to View the Future is Through Safety Glasses

A Good Way to View the Future is Through Safety Glasses The greatest friend a worker’s eyes have while on the job are his safety glasses. 
23 February 2015

Eye Protection: Are You Gambling With Your Eyesight?

Eye Protection…Are You Gambling With Your Eyesight? There are regulations requiring your employer and supervisor to ensure that you use appropriate eye or face protection when
23 February 2015

Eyes Are Everything

Eyes Are Everything Every working day—on company time—thousands of industrial employees play “Industrial Roulette” … and about 1000 of them lose. The only equipment needed for
23 February 2015

Emergency Showers and Eyewashes

Emergency Showers and Eyewashes An emergency eyewash, or eyewash and shower should be provided whenever employees are exposed to corrosive materials.  Make sure your facility eyewash
23 February 2015

Eye Protection: Preserve your Vision

Eye Protection: Preserve your Vision This safety meeting will require some effort on your part!  I’m assigning everyone a homework task.  But don’t panic—this homework will
23 February 2015

Working Surface Safety

Working Surface Safety Stair and Handrail Safety Upon rig up of a land rig, the stairs should be securely fastened as soon as they are set
23 February 2015

Slip, Trip or Fall

Slip, Trip or Fall Slip, trip or fall hazards on some jobs, such as working in the derrick, on the rig floor, or on raised decks
23 February 2015

Preventing Falls

Preventing Falls Each year falls consistently account for a number of fatalities in industry. How do you, as workers, take responsibility to prevent falls at the
23 February 2015

Ladder Safety: Portable and Fixed Ladders

Ladder Safety: Portable and Fixed Ladders People fall off ladders, resulting in injuries that range from bruises, broken bones, or even death.  There are several potential