Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Volunteers Needed for Review Subcommittee of Incident Statistics Program

The IADC HSE Committee recently formed a subcommittee for drilling contractors, onshore, and offshore, to undertake a comprehensive review of the IADC Incident Statistics Program (ISP), focusing on updating definitions, reporting criteria, and performance metrics. The Incident Statistics Program was a initially created to track safety and accident information across the drilling industry. To achieve this goal, it had a three-prong mandate:

  • To record data reflecting accident experience which can be compared to other industries.
  • To identify causes and trends of drilling industry injuries.
  • To provide a means of recognizing rig crews for outstanding safety performance.

The ISP has tracked safety and accident information for the drilling industry since 1962. It provides a record of data reflecting accident experience that can be compared with other industries, helping drillers identify the causes and trends of drilling industry injuries and providing a means of recognizing rig crews for outstanding safety performance. It also provides a benchmark for global HSE performance across the drilling industry.

Patrick Kearley, Global VP HSE and Training for Ensign Energy Service, will serve as Onshore Chairman for the ISP Subcommittee, and Paul Finnie, Director Global HSE for Diamond Offshore, will represent the offshore members. The subcommittee is proactively looking for representatives from onshore and onshore drilling contractors to participate with the goal of creating a finished product that is fully representative of industry opinion. Its first meeting will be held on 9 May.

Recognition for HSE Efforts

The IADC Incident Statistics Program provides for the recognition of drilling rigs that achieve a one-year period without a lost-time incident or illness. The Incident Statistics Program also provides for recognition of drilling rigs that achieve the accomplishment of operation for a one-year period without a recordable incident or illness, with IADC ISP plaques available to order on an annual basis.