Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

Onshore Safety Alliance Annual Report Utilizes Data from ISP

The Onshore Safety Alliance (OSA) recently released its 2022 Annual Report, which includes data and statistics gathered from IADC’s Incident Statistics Program (ISP). In the OSA Annual Report, an overview of ISP and the work-related recordable incidents its participants report can be found on page 26. On page 27, OSA utilizes information from the ISP by giving a high-level summary of the ISP 2021 US Onshore Totals.

IADC has been involved with OSA since its inception. OSA describes itself as “…a voluntary industry coalition committed to working together to reduce serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) in U.S. onshore oil and gas exploration and production.” IADC represents the collective voice of the drilling industry by serving on the OSA Program Executive Steering Committee.

Safety data for the ISP is collected for both Onshore and Offshore operations within 9 geographic regions. To all of our Members participating in the ISP, thank you for your willingness to collaborate and your commitment to continuously advancing the health and safety standards of the industry.

More About the Incident Statistics Program

IADC’s Incident Statistics Program was initially created to track safety and accident information across the drilling industry. To achieve this goal, it has a three-prong mandate:

  • To record data reflecting accident experience, which can be compared to other industries
  • To identify causes and trends of drilling industry injuries
  • To provide a means of recognizing rig crews for outstanding safety performance

This data is collected and published in ISP Quarterly Summary Reports, which include a year-to-date summary. ISP data is also published on an annual basis and is available on our website.

Since 1962, participation in the ISP has been voluntary and open to all drilling contractors. However, a company must participate in the ISP and be a Member of IADC in order to qualify for rig/unit recognition.

The IADC Incident Statistics Program provides for the recognition of drilling rigs that achieve a one-year period without a lost time incident or illness. The ISP also provides for recognition of drilling rigs that achieve the accomplishment of operation for a one-year period without a recordable incident or illness, with IADC ISP plaques available to order on an annual basis.