Monthly eNewsletter from the IADC

WellSharp Courses Now Cover New Well Control Currriculum

IADC recently incorporated new unconventional well control concepts into WellSharp Driller and Supervisor level courses and assessments.

Effective 01 January 2022, IADC WellSharp Driller and Supervisor level courses have transitioned to the new well control curriculum that includes implementation and mastery of well control practices and how they relate to now mainstream modern day drilling techniques (e.g., pill placements, RCD functionality, etc.). It also includes additional awareness training of those drilling concepts in general (e.g., MPD).  In addition, WellSharp assessment questions are included on exams to reflect the content additions to the curriculum.

Brooke Polk, IADC Vice President of Accreditation Operations, shared how important it is that industry continues to raise the bar on training and collaborate to develop training standards that are fit for purpose in today’s ever changing industry.

Any provider needing more information on the changes can reach out wellsharp@iadc.org.