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Breaks up highways into lanes for passing, etc..]  T 0 s *dY P ,$D 0 4Centre line - Lines are longer and a bit closer together. If you cross these then you re facing the oncoming traffic.v  k 0 s *\jY @P ,$D 0 @Hazard warning line - Lines are much longer and closer together.A . 0 6$oYG`P ,$D 0 Ryou see these all the timeZ  0 # l sYPF0*PF0*??  ,$D 0 Tyou see these when approaching a bend, or a hill, on a bridge, near a junction, etc.UUH 0 0޽h ? ̙33:2___PPT10+6D' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' =%(%(D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*0%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*0D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*0%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*0D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*0%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*0D' =%( D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*0%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*0D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*0%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*0D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<* 0%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<* 0D' =%(pD@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<* 0U%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<* 0U++0+0Y ++0+0Y ++0+0 ++0+0Y ++0+ 0Y +  w 4  (  4r 4 S  YP Y Q 4 s *hY0  ,$D 0 ySolid centre line You cannot cross the solid line if it is on your side - but traffic in the other direction can cross it.z ib 4 s *Y0  ,$D 0 Two solid lines - If you cross these lines, you re moving into danger.F 7r8 (P  4H ` 4 0(P lB 4 <D &lB 4 <D 6lB 4 <D F  fB 4 6D P 8  @P  4`  ` 4 0 @P lB 4 <D h h P lB 4 <D   P -" 4 HYPF0*PF0*  p,$D  0 Ioften seen near a sharp bend - stops you from crossing into a blind spotJJC" 4 HYPF0*PF0* p,$D  0 _often seen on hills / bridges / tunnels - stops you from changing lines in a dangerous location``H 4 0޽h ? ̙3380___PPT10+N[D' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' =%(%(D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*4%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*4D#' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*4%(D' =+4 8?dCB1+#ppt_w/2BCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*4D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_yBCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*4D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*4%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<*4D#' =%( D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*4%(D' =+4 8?dCB1+#ppt_w/2BCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*4D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_yBCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*4++0+4Y ++0+4Y ++0+4Y ++0+4Y + _W` $( lz,$D 0 k3- A JUNCTION - AN EXIT - TRAFFIC LIGHTS - A SCHOOL44  $ ( WG!?WHY IS THIS USEFUL?Impact H $ 0޽h ? ̙33___PPT10.+)D#' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D ' =%(%(D' =%(D@' =A@BBB B0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*$%(D' =-o6Bbox(out)*<3<*$D' =%(D@' =A@BBB B0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*$(%(D' =-o6Bbox(out)*<3<*$(D' =%(xD@' =A@BBB B0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*$(F%(D' =-o6Bbox(out)*<3<*$(FD' =%(4D@' =A@BBB B0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*$F`%(D' =-o6Bbox(out)*<3<*$F`D ' =%(D%' =%(D' =A@BBBB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<*$]%(D' =+4 8?RCBBCB#ppt_wB*Y3>B ppt_w<*$]D' =+4 8?RCBBCB#ppt_hB*Y3>B ppt_h<*$]D' =+4 8?RCB?BCB#ppt_xB*Y3>B ppt_x<*$]D' =+4 8?RCB?BCB#ppt_yB*Y3>B ppt_y<*$]D' =%(D@' =A@BBB B0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<* $%(D' =-o6Bbox(out)*<3<* $++0+$Y ++0+$Y ++0+ $Y +  :( {    >WG!?WHITE LINES ARE HELPFUL SIGNSImpact`00,$D  0  c PY0e0e   `p<$ 0 Y H  0޽h ? ̙33  ___PPT10 .+N#GZD6 ' = @B D ' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D( ' =%(%(D' =%(D' =4@BBBB%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<* %(D' =+4 8?RCBBCB#ppt_wB*Y3>B ppt_w<* D' =+4 8?RCBBCB#ppt_hB*Y3>B ppt_h<* D' =+K4 8?CBB#ppt_x+(cos(-2*pi*(1-$))*-#ppt_x-sin(-2*pi*(1-$))*(1-#ppt_y))*(1-$)CB?B*Y3>B ppt_x<* D' =+K4 8?CBB#ppt_y+(sin(-2*pi*(1-$))*-#ppt_x+cos(-2*pi*(1-$))*(1-#ppt_y))*(1-$)CB?B*Y3>B ppt_y<* D' =%(D@' =A@BB BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+B#style.visibility<* 1%(D' =-o6Bdissolve*<3<* 1+8+0+ Y +r(@D v [ D@m{ , Oh+'0T `h    +MY LIFE, YOUR HANDS TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY Adrienne Fullerton hbb6866276Microsoft PowerPointRAN@Pnu}X@V$@\GGSg  )'    """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3ff333f333333333f33333333f33f3ff3f3f3f3333f33̙33333f333333f3333f3ffffff3f33ff3f3f3f3fff3ffffffffff3ffff̙fff3fffff3fff333f3f3ff3ff33f̙̙3̙ff̙̙̙3f̙3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3f3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3ffffffffff!___www4'A x(xKʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___wwwÓsxs"B"!!ýý?@ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz{|}Root EntrydO)PicturesCurrent User~SummaryInformation(KUPowerPoint Document(υDocumentSummaryInformation8vRoot EntrydO)`!G@PicturesCurrent User8SummaryInformation(KU  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz{|} _㫅EmployeeEmployee