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"--&TNPP &ft Photo Editor 3.0 Photo http://halworld.halnet.com/hse/hse_hes/hse_hes_content/tools_safety_meeting/transportation_tuesday/white_lines.pps/ 0DTimes New Romanbb(b0LbLb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0" DSymbolet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` @] 0  Ob$ϡ4coCR$ 44SJ_poC$CR$#˷`CrCm*Cs PF0*PF0*8c0 @g4IdIdXb~0Pb8 ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? % TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY>DON T GET STUCK WHEN OVERTAKING 6 BEFORE OVERTAKING$($,a clear road ahead - nothing approaching you"-( - WHEN OVERTAKING$+move quickly past the vehicle - be decisive,( ,WATCH OUT FOR ...$drop back so you can see the whole vehicle be sure their load is secure and there are no ropes or poles sticking out give them extra space in windy conditions( NEVER OVERTAKE$a vehicle stopped at a pedestrian crossing after a NO OVERTAKING sign (wait until you pass a sign canceling the restriction) when you are not 100% safe, eg approaching a corner or bend a bridge or hill a junction on the shoulder (the Landcruiser lane is for losers) if you will cause conflict with other road users approaching road works (traffic cones are a good clue) near a school (never pass a school bus surrounded by children) queuing traffic (you can t know what they re queuing for)( b( 2( ( 3 ib2 WHEN BEING OVERTAKEN Keep a steady speed - don t speed up and cause a problem for the driver passing you Drop back and maintain the 2-second rule if Root EntrydO)`|v4Pictures1Current User2SummaryInformation([R *_|bAdrienne Fullerton՜.+,D՜.+,    $ On-screen ShowHalliburton Shared Services/1  Times New Roman Trebuchet MSSymbolDefault Design!Microsofttp://halworld.halnet.com/hse/hse_hes/hse_hes_content/tools_safety_meeting/transportation_tuesday/white_lines.pps/ 0DTimes New Romanbb(b0LbLb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0" DSymbolet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` @] 0  Ob$ϡ4coCR$ 44SJ_poC$CR$#˷`CrCm*Cs PF0*PF0*8c0 @g4IdIdXb~0Pb8 ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? % TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY>DON T GET STUCK WHEN OVERTAKING 6 BEFORE OVERTAKING$($,a clear road ahead - nothing approaching you"-( - WHEN OVERTAKING$+move quickly past the vehicle - be decisive  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~,( ,WATCH OUT FOR ...$drop back so you can see the whole vehicle be sure their load is secure and there are no ropes or poles sticking out give them extra space in windy conditions( NEVER OVERTAKE$a vehicle stopped at a pedestrian crossing after a NO OVERTAKING sign (wait until you pass a sign canceling the restriction) when you are not 100% safe, eg approaching a corner or bend a bridge or hill a junction on the shoulder (the Landcruiser lane is for losers) if you will causePowerPoint Document(DocumentSummaryInformation8 conflict with other road users approaching road works (traffic cones are a good clue) near a school (never pass a school bus surrounded by children) queuing traffic (you can t know what they re queuing for)( b( 2( ( 3 ib2 WHEN BEING OVERTAKEN Keep a steady speed - don t speed up and cause a problem for the driver passing you Drop back and maintain the 2-second rule if they cut in suddenly - it s your responsibility not to tailgate (even if they re the rude ones) If another driver makes a mistake - let them in - there s no sense making the situation worse and putting everyone in danger If another driver is in trouble - needs to suddenly get in front of you to avoid a collision - be gracious, slow down and let them in$3 `<s(  <r < S S  p   <  6TPF0*PF0*  <$  0   8c  < TtTPF0*PF0*8c P7 ,$D   0 Achanges in the white lines will help you anticipate these hazardsB(2B 0`  < TTPF0*PF0*8c ,$D  0 pand finally & if the slower lane beside you is empty ...9 29 < T4UPF0*PF0*8cP  ,$D  0 d,move into it and let other vehicles pass you- 2-H < 0޽h ? ̙33r˂(    0b$Photo Editor Photo MSPhotoEd.30@Microso Photo Editor 3.0 PhotoTRANSPORTATION TUESDAYBEFORE OVERTAKINGWHEN OVERTAKINGWATCH OUT FOR ...NEVER OVERTAKEWHEN BEING OVERTAKEN  Fonts UsedDesign TemplateEmbedded OLE Servers Slide Titles(RZ _PID_GUID _PID_HLINKSAN{5C085A24-A040-11D5-B263-00508B754272}A shttp://halworld.halnet.com/hse/hse_hes/hse_hes_content/tools_safety_meeting/transportation_tuesday/white_lines.ppsthey cut in suddenly - it s your responsibility not to tailgate (even if they re the rude ones) If another driver makes a mistake - let them in - there s no sense making the situation worse and putting everyone in danger If another driver is in trouble - needs to suddenly get in front of you to avoid a collision - be gracious, slow down and let them in$U `<(  <r < S S  p   <  6TPF0*PF0*  <$  0   8  < TtTPF0*PF0*8c P7 ,$D   0 Achanges in the white lines will help you anticipate these hazards@B(2 ( 0`  < TTPF0*PF0*8c ,$D  0 pand finally & if the slower lane beside you is empty ...9 29 < T4UPF0*PF0*8cP  ,$D  0 d,move into it and let other vehicles pass you- 2-H < 0޽h ? ̙33rU(    0b$Photo Editor Photo MSPhotoEd.30@Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Photo http://halworld.halnet.com/hse/hse_hes/hse_hes_content/tools_safety_meeting/transportation_tuesday/white_lines.pps/ 0DTimes New Romanbb(b0LbLb~0DTrebuchet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0" DSymbolet MSanbb(b0LbLb~0  @n?" dd@  @@`` @] 0  Ob$ϡ4coCR$ 44SJ_poC$CR$#˷`CrCm*Cs PF0*PF0*8c0 @g4IdIdXb~0Pb8 ~ppp@  <4BdBdbbL? % TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY>DON T GET STUCK WHEN OVERTAKING 6 BEFORE OVERTAKING$($,a clear road ahead - nothing approaching you"-( - WHEN OVERTAKING$+move quickly past the vehicle - be decisive,( ,WATCH OUT FOR ...$drop back so you can see the whole vehicle be sure their load is secure and there are no ropes or poles sticking out give them extra space in windy conditions( NEVER OVERTAKE$a vehicle stopped at a pedestrian crossing after a NO OVERTAKING sign (wait until you pass a sign canceling the restriction) when you are not 100% safe, eg approaching a corner or bend a bridge or hill a junction on the shoulder (the Landcruiser lane is for losers) if you will cause conflict with other road users approaching road works (traffic cones are a good clue) near a school (never pass a school bus surrounded by children) queuing traffic (you can t know what they re queuing for)( b( 2( ( 3 ib2 WHEN BEING OVERTAKEN Keep a steady speed - don t speed up and cause a problem for the driver passing you Drop back and maintain the 2-second rule if they cut in suddenly - it s your responsibility not to tailgate (even if they re the rude ones) If another driver makes a mistake - let them in - there s no sense making the situation worse and putting everyone in danger If another driver is in trouble - needs to suddenly get in front of you to avoid a collision - be gracious, slow down and let them in$rml